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Academic Council


(i).        Director/Vice Chancellor - Dr. Renu Singh           -           Chairperson

(ii).       Pro-Vice Chancellor                                              -           Not applicable

(iii).      Dean (s) of Faculties & Head of the Departments  -           Ex-Officio Members
Dean (Academic) -      Dr. Vineet Kumar
Dean (Research) (GCR) -       Dr. N.K. Upreti         

Head of the Departments

  1. Dr. P.K. Gupta, Scientist-G & Head, Forest Products Division, FRI
  2. Dr. Santan Barthwal, Scientist-G, C.L., NFLIC & Head, G & TI  Division, FRI
  3. Dr. Arun Pratap Singh, Scientist-G & Head, Forest Protection Division, FRI
  4. Dr. V.K. Varshney, Scientist-G & Head, Chemistry and Bio-prospecting Division, FRI
  5. Dr. V.P. Panwar, Scientist-F & Head, Forest Ecology & Climate Change Division, FRI
  6. Dr. Anup Chandra, Scientist-F, Forest Botany Division, FRI
  7. Shri Mahaling, IFS, Head, Forest Extension Division, FRI

 (iv).      Professors (excluding those who are Deans of schools and heads of departments or centres) by rotation, to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor giving due regard to representation of different schools or departments or centres; (Scientists-E, F, G & Conservator of Forests (CF) other than Deans of schools and the Head of Divisions) (for a period of three years)          - Member

  1. Dr. Dinesh Kumar, Scientist-G, Silviculture & Forest Management Division, FRI
  2. Sh. N. Bala, Scientist-G, Forest Ecology & Climate Change Division, FRI
  3. Sh. D.P. Khali, Scientist-G, Forest Products Division, FRI
  4. Dr. Manisha Thapliyal, Scientist-G, Silviculture & Forest Management Division, FRI
  5. Dr. Ajay Thakur, Scientist-G, G & TI Division, FRI
  6. Dr. Charan Singh, Scientist-F, Forest Extension Division, FRI
  7. Dr. Parul Bhatt Kotiyal, Scientist –E, Forest Ecology and Climate Change Division
  8. Dr. Surendra Singh Bisht, Scientist-E, Chemistry & Bio-Prospecting Division, FRI
  9. Dr. Ranjana Negi, Scientist-E, Forest Botany Division, FRI

(From 11.12.2019 to 12.12.2021)


 (v).       five Associate Professors (Scientist-D & DCF) from departments or centres other than the heads of the departments or centres, by rotation, to be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor; (for a period of three years)

  1. Sh.  Sambuddha  Majumder , IFS,  Resource Survey & Forest  Economics Discipline,

Silv. Division, FRI

  1. Dr. Tara Chand, Scientist-E,  Forest Ecology & Climate Change Division, FRI
  2. Ms. Vijaya Ratre, DCF, RSM Discipline, S&FM Div, FRI
  3. Dr. Parmanand Kumar, Scientist-D, FE&CC Div., FRI

(vi).      Assistant Professors (Scientist- B & C) from departments or centres other than the heads of the departments or centres, by rotation to be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor;

  1. Dr. P.K. Verma, Scientist-C, Forest Botany Div., FRI
  2. Dr. Hukum Singh, Scientist-C, Genetics &Tree Improvement Division, FRI
  3. Dr. Shambhavi Yadav, Scientist-C, Genetics &Tree Improvement Division, FRI
  4. Dr. Balaganesh G, Scientist-B, Silviculture & Forest Management Division, FRI

(vii).     Persons of repute from amongst educationists or experts for their specialized knowledge, who are not in the service of the institution deemed to be University, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor; (for a period of three years)

  1. Dr. Neelu Gera, Retd. IFS, Ex-Dean, FRIDU
  2. Dr. Jay Shree Ardey, Retd. IFS, Ex-Dean, FRIDU
  3. Dr. Rama Pal, Principal Scientist, Soil & Water Conservation (CSWCRTI).
  4. Dr. Rajesh Kaushal, Principal Scientist, Soil & Water Conservation, (CSWCRTI)
  5. Dr. M.C. Porwal, Retd. Scientist, IIRS, Dehradun
  6. Dr. Hitendra Padalia, Scientist-SG, IIRS

Registrar -      Dr. A.K. Tripathi, Scientist-G            -      Ex-Officio Member Secretary

  1. Controller of the Examination                     -      Ex-Officio Member

Dr. Pratima Patel, Scientist-E, FRIDU

Course Coordinators of FRIDU (Adopted by FRIDU)- Ex-officio Members

  1. Dr. Vipin Prakash, Scientist-F
  2. Dr. Shailendra Kumar, Scientist-D
  3. Dr. Abhishek Kumar Verma, Scientist-B
  4. Sh. Raj Kishore, Scientist-B