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Anti Ragging Committee


Members of Anti- Ragging Committee

1. Dr. Vineet Kumar
Dean of Faculty(Academic) FRIDU
(Mob. 9410555335) Chairman
2. Dr. Vipin Prakash
Course Coordinator, FRIDU
(Mob. 9458976390) Member secretary
3. Dr. Pratima Patel
Examination Controller, FRIDU
(Mob.9412171662) Member
4. Dr. Ranjana Negi
Hostel Warden, FRIDU
(Mob.7579068048) Member
5. Dr. Abhishek Kumar Verma
Course Coordinator, FRIDU
(Mob.9311558478) Member
6. Shri. Lokinder Sharma
Hostel Warden, FRIDU
 (Mob 9418507171)  Member
7.  Sh. Rajat Chauhan (WST)  (Mob6284811471)  Member
8.  Sh. Anchal Thakur (Forestry)  (Mob7807916846)  Member