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Research Degree Committee (RDC)

RDC Minutes of Meeting held on 22-Oct-2024

Considers recommendations of RACs, in respect of  Supervisor, topic, progress reports etc. (Total  members   approx. 15-20  )

  1. Director or his nominee (Chairman)- Dr. Renu Singh, Director, FRI & VC, FRIDU.
  2. Four experts nominated by the Director for two years (localized)
  • Dr. V.K. Varshney, Scientist-G, Chemistry and Bio-prospecting Division, FRI
  • Dr. Manisha Thapliyal, Scientist-G, Silviculture & FM Division, FRI.
  • Dr. P.K. Gupta, Scientist-G & Head, Forest Products Div, FRI.
  • Dr. Ajay Thakur, Scientist-F & Head, G&TI Division, FRI
  1. Heads of the concerned Divisions of FRI/Nodal Officers of the

 Research Centres (Localized)

  1. Supervisor and Co-supervisor, if any, of the Ph.D. Scholar (Localized)
  2. The Registrar (Member Secretary) - Dr. A.K. Tripathi