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List of Faculties

1st Semester Faculty List

Course Code
Faculty Email Contact No.
FMS 101 Dr. Sachin Gupta pinusrox@gmail.com 4443
Mr. Sudhir Singh Rawat    
  Mr. Ajay Gusain    
FCR 102 Dr. Manoj Kumar, manojfri@gmail.com 4370
Sh. Anoop Kumar, ak65677@gmail.com 4372
FOF 103 Dr. Amit Kumar Verma,  akverma@icfre.org 4324
FBS 111 Dr. Anup Chandra, Scientist-F, anoop@icfre.org 4490
Dr. Ranjana Negi, Scientist-D, negirk@icfre.org 4385
Dr. Praveen Kumar Verma, Scientist-D vermapk@icfre.org 4489
FFF 112 Dr. Anugrah Tripathi anugrah@icfre.org  
  Dr. Santosh Birman santoshbirman@gmail.com  
FSC 113 Sh. Mohit Hussain    
  Sh. S. R. Reddy (External)    
  Dr. Deepshikha Nirala   jc_for@fridu.edu.in 4475
FGS 114 Dr. Parul Bhatt Kotiyal, Scientist-F,  kotiyalpb@icfre.org 4406
Dr. Vijender Pal Panwar, Scientist-F,  vppanwar@icfre.org 4470
Dr. A.K. Raina, Scientist (Retd.) raina.ak0402@gmail.com  
FMB 115 Dr. Deepshikha Nirala jc_for@fridu.edu.in 4373
FFP 116 Dr. Vipin Prakash, Scientist-F, Forest Protection Division, FRI prakashv@icfre.org 4314
Dr. Shailesh Pandey, Scientist-D, Forest Protection Division, FRI pandeysh@icfre.org 4313

Ms. Ranjana Juwantha, Scientist-D, Forest Protection Division, FRI

juwanthar@icfre.org 4259
Dr. Arun Pratap Singh, Scientist-F, Forest Protection Division, FRI singhap@icfre.org 4356
Dr. Arvind Kumar, Scientist-E, Forest Protection Division, FRI arvind_ifp@icfre.org 4281

2nd Semester Faculty List

Course Code
Faculty Email Contact No.
FPL 211 Dr. Anugrah Tripathi anugrah@icfre.org 4403
FLM 212 Dr. Subhash Nautiyal, Scientist (Retd.) (External) nautiyals45@gmail.com  
FRU 213 – I Dr. B.P. Tamta, Scientist-F, Silviculture & Forest Management Division, FRI tamtabp@icfre.org 4498
Dr. Mala Rathore, Scientist-F, Silviculture & Forest Management Division, FRI mala@icfre.org 4496

Mr. L. R. LakshmikantaPanda, Scientist-C

FFE 214 Dr. A.K. Lal, Retd. PCCF aklal87@gmail.com  
Dr. Balaganesh, Scientist-C, Silviculture & FM Division gbala@icfre.org  
Dr. Muthuprasad, Scientist-B, ICFRE muthuprasad@icfre.org  
FFP 215 Dr. Natalya Krishnambika, External Faculty krishnambika@gmail.com  
FRM 216 Dr. Anup Chandra, Scientist-F, Forest Botany Division, FRI anoop@icfre.org 4490
Dr. Ranjana Negi, Scientist-E, Forest Botany Division, FRI  negirk@icfre.org 4385
Dr. Praveen Kumar Verma, Scientist-D, Forest Botany Division, FRI vermapk@icfre.org 4489
Dr. Santosh Birman  santoshbirman@gmail.com  
FSC 217 Sh. Mohit Hussain , Scientist - C    
Dr. Deepshikha Nirala    
FSN 218 Dr. Manisha Thapliyal, Scientist-F, Silviculture & Forest Management Division, FRI thapliyalm@icfre.org 4467
Mr. Lokinder Sharma, Scientist - C lsharma@icfre.org 4469
Dr. Namitha, Technical Officer kaliyathannn@icfre.org 4466

3rd Semester Faculty List

Course Code
Faculty Email Contact No.
FRM 311 Sh. Mohit Hussain, Scientist-C, Silviculture & FM Division gbala@icfre.org  
FWD 312 Dr. Natalya Krishnambika, External Faculty krishnambika@gmail.com  
FRU 313       Dr. Shailendra Kumar, Scientist-D, Forest Products Division, FRI kumarsro@icfre.org 4330
Dr. Akhato Sumi, Forest Products Division, FRI sumia@icfre.org 4430
Mr. D.P. Khali. Scientist-F, Forest Products Division, FRI   4451
Dr. Shikhar Shukla    
 FGT 314         Dr. Ajay Thakur, Scientist-F,  thakura@icfre.org 4493
Dr. Santan Barthwal, Scientist-G,  santan@icfre.org 4381
Dr. Ashok Kumar, Scientist-G,  ashok@icfre.org 4403
Dr. Rama Kant, Scientist-D,  ramakant@icfre.org 4380
Dr. Maneesh Bhandari, Scientist-D,  bhandarims@icfre.org 4383
Mr. R. K .Meena, Scientist-D,  rajnrcpb@gmail.com 4383
Dr. Shambhavi yadav    
Dr. Shruti Godara    
FFC 315 Mr. S. R. Reddy, Asstt Silva (E), Silviculture & Forest Management Division, FRI reddysr@icfre.org 4223
FCC 316 Dr. A.K. Lal, IFS (Retd.) aklal87@gmail.com  

Faculty List (Elective Course)

Course Code  Faculty Email Contact No.
FGB 321       Dr. Ajay Thakur, Scientist-F, Genetics & Tree Improvement Division, FRI thakura@icfre.org 4493
Dr. Santan Barthwal, Scientist-F, Genetics & Tree Improvement Division, FRI santan@icfre.org 4381
Dr. Ashok Kumar, Scientist-F, Genetics & Tree Improvement Division, FRI ashok@icfre.org 4403
Dr. Rama Kant, Scientist-D, Genetics & Tree Improvement Division, FRI ramakant@icfre.org 4380
Dr. Maneesh Bhandari, Scientist-D, Genetics & Tree Improvement Division, FRI bhandarims@icfre.org 4383
Mr. R. K .Meena, Scientist-D, Genetics & Tree Improvement Division, FRI rajnrcpb@gmail.com 4383
FRG 322  Mr. Manoj Kumar, Scientist-C, Forest Informatics Division, FRI manojfri@gmail.com 4370
Mr. Anoop Kumar, Sr. Technical Assistant kumaranoop@icfre.org 4372
Ram Kumar Singh, Guest Faculty singhramkumar@gmail.com  
FWH 323 Mrs. Natalya Krishnambika, External Faculty krishnambika@gmail.com  
FSM 324 Mr. S. R. Reddy, Asstt Silva (E), Silviculture & Forest Management Division, FRI reddysr@icfre.org 4223
FAF 325  Dr. Charan Singh, Scientist-E, Extension Division, FRI charans@icfre.org  4355
Dr. Rambir Singh, Scientist-D, Extension Division, FRI  singhr@icfre.org 4243 
FFP 326     Dr. Vipin Prakash, Scientist-E, Forest Protection Division, FRI prakashv@icfre.org 4314
Ms. Ranjana Juwantha, Scientist-D, Forest Protection Division, FRI juwanthar@icfre.org 4259
Dr. Arun Pratap Singh, Scientist-F, Forest Protection Division, FRI  singhap@icfre.org 4356
Dr. Arvind Kumar, Scientist-E, Forest Protection Division, FRI arvind_ifp@icfre.org 4281
Dr. Sudhir Singh, Scientist-F, Forest Protection Division, FRI sudhirs@icfre.org 4357
PTN 330   Dr. Anup Chandra, Scientist-F, Forest Botany Division, FRI anoop@icfre.org 4490
Ms. Ranjana Negi, Scientist-D, Forest Botany Division, FRI negirk@icfre.org 4385
Dr. Praveen Kumar Verma, Scientist-D, Forest Botany Division, FRI vermapk@icfre.org 4489
EIA 328  Dr. Hukum Singh, Scientist-C, Forest Ecology & Climate Change Divsion, FRI hukum@icfre.org 4413
UFT 331 Mr. Mohit Hussain, Scientist- B