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List of Faculties


Course Code Name of Course Faculty Designation Department Email ID Contact No.
ERG 101 Remote Sensing and Geographical Information System Dr. Keshav Tyagi Ph.D. Scholar IT&GIS Lab, FRI keshavtyagifri@gmail.com
Mr. Anoop Kumar Senior Technical Assistant, IT&GIS Lab, FRI ak65677@gmail.com 4372
EFE 111 Fundamentals of Ecology Dr. Abhishek K. Verma Scientist-C Programme Coordinator (EM) and Forest Ecology & Climate Change, FRI abk.verma89@gmail.com 4308
Dr. Manoj Kumar Technician Forest Ecology & Climate Change, FRI 4414
EEA 112 Ecosystem Analysis Dr. Abhishek Singh Scientist-B Forest Ecology & Climate Change, FRI abhisheksingh170890@gmail.com 4478
Km. Manisha Ph.D. Scholar Forest Ecology & Climate Change, FRI kumarim722@gmail.com
EPB 113 Environmental Physics and Biogeochemistry Mr. Bishnu Prasad Sahoo Scientist-B Forest Ecology & Climate Change, FRI bishnu89sm@gmail.com 4413
Dr. Parmanand Kumar Scientist- D Forest Ecology & Climate Change, FRI parmanand30@gmail.com 4482
Dr. Parul Bhatt Kothiyal Scientist-E Forest Ecology & Climate Change, FRI kotiyalpb@icfre.org 4406
Dr. Rama Pal Senior Scientist ICAR-Indian Institute of Soil & Water Conservation, Kaulagarh Road, Dehradun rama.env@gmail.com
Dr. Santosh Birman Junior Consultant FRIDU jc_em@fridu.edu.in 4308
Dr. A.K. Raina External Faculty FRIDU raina.ak0402@gmail.com -
ECE 114 Conservation Ecology Dr. Sanjay Singh Scientist-E Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Land Management, ICFRE sanjaysingh83@gmail.com 4338
EIA 115 Environmental Impact Assessment Dr. H.B. Vasistha External Faculty FRIDU vasistha.ecology@gmail.com
Dr. Sanjay Bhutani External Faculty FRIDU bhutanisanjay1@gmail.com


Course Code Name of Course Faculty Designation Department Email ID Contact No.
ESC 201 Environmental Statistics and Computer Application Dr. Ujjwal Kumar External Faculty FRIDU ujjwalkumar@gmail.com
EFM 211 Forestry for Sustainable Management Mr. L.R. Lakshmikanta Panda Scientist-C Silviculture & Forest Management Division, FRI lakshmikanta.11bsfst043@gmail.com 4494
Dr. Ranjana Negi Scientist-E Forest Botany Division, FRI ranjananegi.icfre@gmail.com 4385
Mr. Lokinder Sharma Scientist-C Extension Division, FRI lokindersharma91@gmail.com 4325
Dr. Arvind Kumar Scientist-F Entomology Discipline, FRI arvind.ento@gmail.com 4281
Dr. Deepshikha Nirala Junior  Consultant FRIDU jc_for@fridu.edu.in 4373
Dr. Natalya Krishnambika External Faculty FRIDU krishnambika@gmail.com
ERE 212 Restoration Ecology Dr. H.B. Vasistha External Faculty FRIDU vasistha.ecology@gmail.com
Dr. Abhishek K. Verma Scientist-C Programme Coordinator (EM) and Forest Ecology & Climate Change, FRI abk.verma89@gmail.com 4308
Dr. Shailesh Pandey Scientist-E Pathology Discipline, FRI shailesh31712@gmail.com 4313
Dr. Santosh Birman Junior Consultant FRIDU jc_em@fridu.edu.in 4308
EGF 213 Global Climate Change and Forest Km. Manisha Ph.D. Scholar Forest Ecology & Climate Change, FRI kumarim722@gmail.com -
Dr. Abhishek K. Verma Scientist-C Programme Coordinator (EM) and Forest Ecology & Climate Change, FRI abk.verma89@gmail.com 4308
EFE 214 Forest Economics Dr. Balaganesh G. Scientist-C Silviculture & Forest Management Division, FRI balaganesh.agri@gmail.com 4349
Mr. Muthuprasad T. Scientist-C Division of Forestry Statistics, ICFRE muthuprasad1994@gmail.com 4897
EPM 215 Environmental Pollution Management Mr. Bishnu Prasad Sahoo Scientist-B Forest Ecology & Climate Change, FRI bishnu89sm@gmail.com 4413
Dr. Santosh Birman Junior Consultant FRIDU jc_em@fridu.edu.in 4308


Course Code Name of Course Faculty Designation Department Email ID Contact No.
EPS 311 Environmental Policy, Law and Sociology Dr. Anugrah Tripathi Sr. Technical Officer Monitoring
& Evaluation Division, ICFRE
dranugraht@gmail.com 4797
EEM 312 Environmental Microbiology Dr. Shailesh Pandey Scientist-E Pathology Discipline, FRI shailesh31712@gmail.com 4313
Dr. Abhishek Singh Scientist-B Forest Ecology & Climate Change, FRI abhisheksingh170890@gmail.com 4478
EFC 313 Forest Certification Sh. S. R. Reddy External Faculty FRIDU reddysr1506@gmail.com
Mr. L.R. Lakshmikanta Panda Scientist-C Silviculture & Forest Management Division, FRI lakshmikanta.11bsfst043@gmail.com 4494
EDM 314 Disaster Management Dr. Parveen kumar Scientist-D Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun sainiparveen.saini@gmail.com
Dr. Abhishek Nandan External Faculty FRIDU anandan@ddn.upes.ac.in
Ms. Damini Rana External Faculty FRIDU daminiranaofficial@gmail.com


ENM 321 Natural Resource Conservation and Management Dr. Natalya Krishnambika External Faculty FRIDU krishnambika@gmail.com
EBM 322 Bio Diversity Monitoring and Management Dr. Natalya Krishnambika External Faculty FRIDU krishnambika@gmail.com
EBC 323 Bio Statistics and Computer Application Mr. Muthuprasad T. Scientist-C Division of Forestry Statistics, ICFRE muthuprasad1994@gmail.com 4897
ESM 324 Solid Waste Management Dr. A.K. Gupta Scientist (External Faculty) ICAR- IISWC, Dehradun anand.env@gmail.com
EPC 325 Forest, Society and Climate Change Dr. Sanjay Singh Scientist-E Centre of Excellence on Sustainable Land Management, ICFRE sanjaysingh83@gmail.com 4338
ERG 326 Remote sensing and Geographic Information System- Advance and Application in Environmental Management Dr. Sumantra Basu Scientist-B Green Credit Cell, ICFRE sumantrabasu92@gmail.com
EIA 327 Environmental Impact Assessment Dr. Vishavjit Kumar Scientist-E Environment Management Division, ICFRE vishavjit@icfre.org 4864
Dr. Santosh Birman Junior Consultant FRIDU jc_em@fridu.edu.in 4308
EWH 328 Wildlife and Habitat Management Dr. Gaurav Shama Scientist-E Zoological Survey of India, Kaulagarh Road, Dehradun drgaurav.zsi@gmail.com
PTN 330 Plant Taxonomy Dr. Ranjana Negi Scientist-E Forest Botany Division, FRI ranjananegi.icfre@gmail.com 4385
UFT 331 Urban Forestry Mr. Mohit Husain Scientist-C Silviculture & Forest Management Division, FRI mohit.husainchf@gmail.com 4374