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M.Sc. Forestry

Program Objective:

Master of Science in Forestry program aims to provide opportunity to students wishing to pursue careers as forestry professionals and play an active role in the decision making processes for the sustainable management of forest resources. Underpinning the scientific knowledge as well as field and technical skills along with imbibing a sense of responsible stewardship towards the environment are the holy grail of our forestry education. The design of the coursework is an integration of fundamental concepts of basic biological principles with core subjects relating to forest policy, economics and management. The structure of the curriculum is an amalgamation of interdisciplinary knowledge with a conscious dissemination of social responsibility towards forest resources keeping in mind the changing social values and economic settings. Students are also expected to improve their capacities as leaders and managers through summer internships, entrepreneurial skill development and other opportunities.


Admission Procedure Fee Structure Course Plan M.Sc. Forestry Syllabus


For Course related enquiries Contact: 

Dr. Vipin Prakash

(Programme Coordinator and Placement Officer)

Email ID: cor_for@fridu.edu.in and prakashv@icfre.org

Dr. Deepshikha Nirala

(Junior Consultant & Placement Coordinator)

Email ID: jc_for@fridu.edu.in 

Mrs. Sunita Thapa

Office assistant

Office No:- 0135-2224373