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M.Sc. Environment Management

Programme Objective:

The programme aims to provide opportunities to the students to make themselves aware of the problems related to environmental concerns and their management. The programme is designed to provide a holistic and integrated approach of learning comprising of classroom lectures, classroom assignments, practical sessions, interactive seminars, field visits, industrial visits, term papers, divisional attachments and master’s thesis writing. The course builds and facilitates understanding of the dynamics of the environment especially in the context of ecology, forestry, and climate change. Different types of processes, models, plans and techniques related to environmental processes are described and discussed through classroom interaction as well as exposures visits to different ecosystems and institutional/industrial arrangements. The students are expected to get enough exposure for practical solutions to various ecological and environmental problems in the context of today’s world.


Admission Procedure Fee Structure Course Plan M.Sc. Environment Management Syllabus

Programme Coordinator & Placement Officer (Environment Management)

Dr. Abhishek K. Verma

Email ID- cor_em@fridu.edu.in , vermaak@icfre.org

Dr. Santosh Birman 

Junior Consultant & Placement Coordinator (Environment Management)

Email ID- jc_em@fridu.edu.in

Ms. Deepa Thapa 

Office Assistant (Environment Management)

Contact- 0135-2224308/4404